Welcome Kleinmachnow!

Rockenhausen, Bitburg, Erfurt, Zagreb, Schweich, Hamburg, Darmstadt – and now Kleinmachnow is also officially part of the igr family.

In August 2018 a HGV weighbridge was installed for the biomass heating plant in Enkenbach-Alsenborn.

As part of the agenda „Youth encounter YOUrope“, which is promoted by the European Union, eight teenagers and one supervisor found their way to the igr on the 24th of July 2018. Five polish, one croatian and two german teenagers from three partner cities of Rockenhausen participated in the agenda, to form international friendships and discuss cross-border topics like integration of refugees, opportunities of education in foreign countries and unemployment of the youth.

In the middle of april construction work started

The project is a part of the Agglomeration Velika Gorica (VG) project with co-financing via EU funds within the framework of the operational programme for competitiveness and cohesion 2014-2020.