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- Written by Super User
- Category: en_Referenzen_Conslting
- Hits: 3968
Since the end of the 1990s we have been increasingly active internationally, and we offer our customers worldwide comprehensive interdisciplinary services. In more than 20 European countries and worldwide we can demonstrate the successful development of projects in a variety of sizes, requirements and aims.
Our decades of experience with the implementation of complex projects in Germany, makes us a reliable partner in the development and realisation of innovative, sustainable and cost-efficient solutions for projects aboard. We believe in a partnership approach. It is our experience that sustainable projects can only succeed through close cooperation between all responsible parties, at every level, and with the integration of local knowledge. Based on this understanding, we cooperate with local engineering firms and experts in every project, and can look back in several countries at many years of reliable cooperation with our local and international partners.
We are active internationally for private investors, for public clients, and in the technical development cooperation, principally in the areas of water supply and sanitary engineering, infrastructure development, and renewable energy and climate protection.
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- Written by Super User
- Category: en_Referenzen_Conslting
- Hits: 3532