Since 2014, igr is an active part of the professional group "Bauen und Planen" (Building and Planning) of the non-profit association Steinbeis Mediationsforum e. V. (Steinbeis Mediation Forum) in Leipzig founded in 2012. The association offers a platform for the exchange of information and experience for mediators, mediation associations and companies.

On the 13th of June 2014, the municipality on the river Moselle does not only celebrate their yearly wine fair, but also the official completion of the expansion of B 53 and the one of their development area "Zellerberg".

igr’s team of runners - this year with the greatest number of participants so far - has competed successfully at the annual team event "Palatinate Company Race" (Firmenlauf Pfalz) in Kaiserslautern.

A delegation of the City of Krk headed by Mr. Mayor Darijo Vasilić has visited over the Whitsun weekend, the twin town Rockenhausen. The occasion was the first anniversary of the signing of the town twinning charter in Krk, in August last year. Now had followed the counter-signature in Rockenhausen.

The historic property Tarabya was formerly used as a summer residence in Istanbul by German ambassadors. Apart from the residence itself, an office building, an administration building as well as housings for the attendants were in use. After the shift of the Turkish capitol from Istanbul to Ankara, the property was only of secondary importance to the Foreign Service. It has only been in the last few years that one has begun to gradually restore the edifices to be used in the future. Besides the representative main building with the domicile of the German ambassador, the historical buildings are now also used as a kindergarten for the German community, office rooms of the Chamber of Foreign Trade, an art academy with artist’s housings and workshops, a concert hall and chapel as well as administration buildings. The areal measures 18 ha.