By now, the annual accounts for the business year 2014 have been examined by Deloitte & Touche GmbH, auditors in Mannheim. There were no essential reasons for objection in terms of aims, documentation, verification, matching of expenses and income and interpretation of balance of accounts as well as the positions of profit and loss accounts.

igr presents its range of services  at an information stand at the 7th European risk management directive implementation forum in Meißen on the 11.06.2015.

Since 2014, igr is an active part of the professional group "Bauen und Planen" (Building and Planning) of the non-profit association Steinbeis Mediationsforum e. V. (Steinbeis Mediation Forum) in Leipzig founded in 2012. The association offers a platform for the exchange of information and experience for mediators, mediation associations and companies.

On the 13th of June 2014, the municipality on the river Moselle does not only celebrate their yearly wine fair, but also the official completion of the expansion of B 53 and the one of their development area "Zellerberg".

igr’s team of runners - this year with the greatest number of participants so far - has competed successfully at the annual team event "Palatinate Company Race" (Firmenlauf Pfalz) in Kaiserslautern.