In everything that we do, create or implement, we challenge the status quo. Since our founding in 1986 we have offered our clients added value in every area of our company’s operations. For us ‘quality’ is not just a catchword, but rather the consequence of our identification with the company philosophy, and our constant efforts to meet the needs of our clients in the best possible way.
The success of our company philosophy is evidenced by the fact that we have retained many of our clients from the very beginning until today, and continue to win commissions from them to provide planning and management services.
In the minds of our clients, the name igr stands for efficiency, transparency based on trust, innovation, and above all, quality. In the first instance, we define quality as the meeting of the requirements agreed with the clients. Beyond this, quality also encompasses the observance of legal and other regulations, as well as actions that are in accordance with socio-political objectives and the interests of environmental protection.
Client orientation
The client (commissioner) is always to the fore in all our activities. We want to constantly reinforce trust with our clients through:
- intensive consultation before, during and after contractual relationships
- providing services that meet contractually agreed costs and deadlines
- creating transparency in all project phases
Only when the client is satisfied with each and every element of the service they have received, can we perpetuate and further enhance our reputation for quality.
Technical quality
A prerequisite for client satisfaction is that clients receive competent services from a technical, economic and ecological point of view.
In this regard we are not content to stick with recognised technological methods, but rather we actively contribute to the development of new technologies and planning approaches. This approach is underpinned by the use of the most modern technologies, in particular in the IT field.
We want to continue to provide high quality services and to play a part in shaping the future.
Staff orientation
We want to offer our staff development opportunities. We ensure that all members of staff attain a high level of competence through support and training. Through the control of internal work processes and the clear allocation of competencies and responsibilities, we provide the organisational conditions for autonomous and self-motivated work in project teams.
Quality is achieved because every member of staff, at every organisational level and in all departments, contributes towards the realisation of our high quality standards.
We set high standards for our staff. At the same time our staff expect that we will provide the prerequisites for each individual’s personal development.
For this, besides their line managers, the firm’s leadership are responsible. The staff annual appraisal provides an opportunity to check how successfully each member of staff’s wishes and concerns have been addressed.
Continual improvement
Quality cannot be taken for granted; just as mistakes are also not inevitable. The aphorism, ‘you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs’, is not accepted in our offices. Mistakes reveal a potential for improvement. They are evaluated and their causes analysed, so that effective corrective and preventative measures can be introduced, thereby preventing errors from being repeated.
We are never contented with what has been achieved to date. We are determined to be even better in the future. Every member of staff is working with dedication to this end.
Declaration of conformity
The development and introduction of quality management (QM) systems is such, that it is possible to obtain a certificate almost ‘as required’ and to ensure the standard-compliant structure of the igr QM system.
The observance and further development of the QM system, and the constant improvement of our internal processes, are fundamental components of our company philosophy.
Currently, we see no advantage in having our QM system certificated externally, and have consciously decided not to take this route.
We hereby declare that our quality management system conforms to the requirements of the DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 standard.