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- Written by Super User
- Category: en_Referenzen_Ingenieurvermessung
- Hits: 4427

Our motto is: “Every design is only as good as the survey that precedes it. Only precise data guarantees that good ideas will become successful projects.” Accurate survey documentation is an indispensable foundation for every design and building project.
igr employ several survey teams for this area of work. The work of our surveyors and technicians does not, however, end with simple data collection for planning, or after test measurements for current building projects. We guide and support technical planners and site supervisors during the entire planning and construction phases.
With the help of digital levelling instruments (theodolites) and various electronic tacheometers, as well as GNSS equipment and the latest EDV and CAD systems, we evaluate relevant data on site and send it straight away to the office for further processing. Using this approach we are able to respond immediately to the changing needs or specific requests of our clients.
igr is authorised to offer surveying under the Building Guidelines (Baufachliche Richlinie BFR).
We offer comprehensive expertise in the following areas
- Conceptual surveying
- Construction surveying
- Area surveying
- As-built surveying
- Real estate inventory / surveying using the BFR (Building Guidelines)
- GIS based pipeline register
- Digital terrain models (DTMs)
- GNSS measurements (incl. GPS, GLONASS)
- Levelling
- Details
- Written by Super User
- Category: en_Referenzen_Ingenieurvermessung
- Hits: 3493