In connection with the development of two climate-neutral model building areas in Saulheim and Wörrstadt (building area „Hinter der Bahn, 2nd construction phase“), and with the support of the Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy and Mobility/MKUEM, the Wörrstadt municipality has developed an online manual for municipalities in Rhineland-Palatinate „climate protection, energy and climate change adaption in developement plans“.
This is intended to provide the municipalities in Rhineland-Palatinate with importatnt advice on the creation of development plans with regard to climate protection and climate change adaption. The igr (responsible fort he contruction area in Wörrstadt) was invited to two workshops for this online manual and was able to make important contributions.The online manual is intended to encourage municipalities to make climate-protecting provisions in development plans in ordert o counteract climate change. The following topics are addressed, among others: renewable electricity and heat supply (mandatory for photovoltaik-systems, electricity storage, virtual power plants, ban on the use of fossil fuels, compulsory connection and use), climate mobility, residential greenery and diversity, construction, rainwater management (infiltration areas, use of rainwater, emergency waterways, soil sealing, …). Using practical and text examples, the municipalities receive an important tool and learn what needs to be taken into account, because not all climate protection measures can be regulated in a development plan. In addition, climate protection measures can also be legally implemented in urban development contracts.
The online manual can be accessed by the following link:
Hubert Bruch, Marvin Bruch, Hartmut Jopp