Upgrading/expansion of the Nürburgring, Nürburg, district of Ahrweiler, district of Daun
The world famous Nürburgring (which hosts amongst other things: formular 1, Truck Grand-Prix, DTM (German touring cars championship), Rock am Ring, etc.) will be appropriately upgraded. Construction work is necessary for various additional facilities, for which the building law application for a regional planning procedure (and the subsequent urban development planning) will be prepared.
For the consideration of the protected resources in line with the UVPG, an Environmental Impact Assessment (environmental impact study) is required for the regional planning process. The study takes account of: operational issues (in particular, immission controls); issues arising from the construction work (such as the noise resulting from the planned partial demolitions); and critically, issues arising from the facilities themselves (such as additional paved areas, the removal of wooded areas, a landscape simulation because of the exposed position of the Nürburgring, specific impact forecasts with regard to species protection).
With regard to tangible compensation, various measures are planned in the study, including open spaces, wooded plantations, extensification of agricultural areas (development in line with the specific fundamental value system of the Ahrweiler district, at the level of specialist contribution to nature conservation) as well as species-specific measures.
Services provided by igr
- Environmental impact study
- Regional planning process
- Alteration of the land use development plan
- Site development plan with environmental report
- Specialist contribution on nature conservation
- Faunistic specialist contribution (project coordination) including monitoring strategy
- Environmental construction supervision
- Planning permission variation process
- Traffic and parking design
- Water management expert report
- Water ways renaturisation including discharge applications/exemptions
- Forest modification/felling applications
- Preliminary designs for upgrading road junctions
Key figures
- Investigation area with habitat mapping: 2,700 ha
- Species protection focus on the following species: grasshoppers, bats, lynx/wild cat , birds, butterflies