Project Loan Funding Facility for water supply and waste water projects in the Republic of Croatia, Phase I - III
For the financing of infrastructure projects in Croatia, a credit facility was established by the Croatian Bank for Development and Reconstruction (HBOR) and the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW).
The goal of this financial support is the long-term financing of the repair and extension of public water supply and wastewater disposal in the Republic of Croatia. The financial service is hence designed to improve the municipal infrastructure, whilst contributing to the protection of Croatia’s natural resorces. The total volume of the investment was € 70 M.
Services provided by igr
- Support to HBOR in marketing of the credit facility
- Assessment of the individual project proposals
- Review of existing design documentation
- Assistance to HBOR during the due-diligence process
- Providing support for HBOR and KfW through an independent technical assessment of the project implementation, and an assessment of the work of the advisors to each individual project
- Monitoring the progress of construction work of individual projects (with regard to the contract time and budget plan) and forecasting the project completion date
- Monitoring of respective payments (amount and due date) and control of the total available funds for each individual project, the amount of assigned funds for contracts as well as the amount already spent
- Reporting to HBOR and KfW about substantial technical and non-technical problems during the course of the project; and submission of suggestions to cope with and solve the problems
- Reporting (project progress and completion reports, final report)