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- Written by Super User
- Category: Verkehrsanlagen
- Hits: 11272

The car park where we leave our vehicle, the market place where you can linger and celebrate festivals, barrier-free street crossings and local public transport facilities. Paths, places and associated facilities are diverse in their variety. To experience the environment, in particular in urban areas, they are essential. Every object that our engineers and technicians design is unique. We create designs that are functional and have the longest possible service life. In terms of setting the dimensions, the materials and integration of various associated facilities and equipment, imagination and empathy are demanded. Such details often determine the overall perception of the traffic infrastructure design.
We offer comprehensive expertise in the following areas
- Pedestrian zones
- Public transport infrastructure
- Barrier-free traffic facilities
- Petrol and service stations
- Town centre squares
- Structures and bridges
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Verkehrsanlagen
- Hits: 11112

Today, modern road planning consists mainly of structural rehabilitation. It is a matter of re-designing existing roads in need of renewal, so that they can fulfil today’s requirements. Thus, the economic efficiency of a solution becomes the focus. Extension and conversion of still functional structural components for further use requires a very sensitive handling of the available construction materials. A specialist impeccably planned pavement optimisation enables us to safeguard the functionality of the traffic facilities, and at the same time to restrict investment costs to a minimum.
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Verkehrsanlagen
- Hits: 12247

Roads are interconnecting development systems, whose layout is orientated to particular functions and demands. From the route selection to the layout and specification of the cross section, each special project requires a focused solution. It is important to find economic solutions at the planning stage. However, the planning decisively influences the future operation and maintenance costs. Our transport planners create solutions that are functional and proportionate. They are sensitive in working with adjacent activities, and in incorporating utility lines into the road space.
We offer comprehensive expertise in the following areas
- Motorways
- Federal highways
- State roads
- Bypasses
- Main through-roads
- Junctions and roundabouts
- Qualified roads construction
- Municipal road and street planning
- Transport infrastructure - development area
- Transport infrastructure - building sites