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- Written by Super User
- Category: Umwelt Beschreibung
- Hits: 11822

The development of development sites is not just about technical upgrading, but also about the design of compensation areas. We offer the respective services for the design, tendering and construction supervision of compensation measures. The created green areas and open spaces are usually in public areas and support the ‘greening’ of street environments and public squares.
Other elements are compensatory measures, which are specified to compensate for encroachments on nature and the countryside, and renaturisation measures for water ways. Hydraulic engineering measures to improve the ecological value of water ways often present high demands on creativity – in particular in urban areas. Due to the high funding rate of up to 90% (for Rheinland-Pfalz), these measures are gradually attracting more interest from the municipalities.
We offer comprehensive expertise in the following areas
- Street environment design
- Renaturisation of water bodies
- Landscaping at development sites
- Leisure infrastructure / playgrounds
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Umwelt Beschreibung
- Hits: 15780

Environmental protection has many facets; our expertise is requested for the most varied possible permutations. Usually, one of the following protected resources is to the fore: soil, water, air/climate, landscape, animals/plants, humans or other cultural/physical objects. In summary, these aspects are examined in line with the law covering the environmental compatibility tests, such as environmental reports, the environmental impact studies, or environmental impact assessment tests/pre-tests.
When negotiating larger public legal processes, it is often the case that specialist expert appraisals are required (e.g. for brownfields/waste/soil protection), conceptual project plans (e.g. wind energy or photo voltaic), planning impact on landscapes, energy and noise consequences or forestry or other specialist applications. Due to our interdisciplinary set up, we can provide all the necessary expertise across a wide range of topics in a timely manner.
In this area we are operating not only nation-wide, but also internationally, such as for example in the environmental assistance for water/waste water projects in Croatia.
We offer comprehensive expertise in the following areas
- Environmental reports
- Environmental impact study
- Environmental Impact Assessment/ Preliminary EIA
- Locality strategy wind energy
- Applications for exemptions/exceptions
- Forestry planning
- Brownfields / solid waste management / soil contaminations
- Noise-, Air protection
- Landscape visualisations/visibility analyses
- Ground water treatment
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Umwelt Beschreibung
- Hits: 11474
Almost every construction activity leads to a significant change in parts of the earth’s surface or the hydrogeological situation. This is often connected with encroachments on nature and the landscape.
Our experts bring more than 15 years’ experience in a variety of specialist areas of nature conservation to examining projects in line with current regulations or other standard requirements, and developing planned solutions. Following a thorough analysis of the current situation and possible adverse effects, we are particularly concerned to develop workable compensation programmes, agreed by all the main players. This can lead (in the sense of legal certainty) to environmental construction supervision of the process of implementation, monitoring, or the development of an overall design for nature conservation for the whole municipality (environmental plan).
For this reason we do not only receive regular enquiries from public and private clients, but with increasing frequency are recommended to undertake relevant expert planning by the authorities.
We offer comprehensive expertise in the following areas
- Natura 2000
- Environmental management supplementary plans
- Specialist contribution on nature conservation
- Landscape planning
- Maintenance and development planning
- Environmental management studies
- Environmental construction supervision
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Umwelt Beschreibung
- Hits: 15189

The protection of natural species and habitat complex is a worldwide and Europe-wide challenge, whose importance is reflected in the European legislation (FFH and bird protection regulations). These mandatory (and in part very strict) regulations have been enacted in every EU nation’s laws and, in the last few years, confirmed through legal processes concerning the widest possible variety of building projects.
This means, that for certain strictly protected species (e.g. birds, bats and other mammals, amphibians, reptiles and butterflies), not only for large projects, but also for middle-sized and small projects, an intensive expert inspection is necessary – including mapping, planning and implementation, and long term monitoring.
Since the emerging of species protection as an increasingly important area in the 1990s, igr has been a trusted partner (due to its experience in a vast number of projects around renewable/wind energy, urban development, traffic infrastructure, other infrastructure projects and basic data capture). Through continuous professional development, our staff are always at the technological cutting edge in these specialist areas, where there is an almost constant stream of new knowledge via (amongst other sources) research projects and legal judgements.
We offer comprehensive expertise in the following areas
- Species protection legislation preliminary examination
- Species protection legislation examination
- Species protection expertise
- Special species protection expertise
- Faunistic special mapping
- Monitoring
- Studies/management of areas