Installing vacuum sewers in the Siegelbachstraße, the municipality of Luisenthal
In the municipality of Luisenthal igr devised a general water disposal plan, which was implemented in phases. In the Siegelbachstraße, because of the topographically complicated areas and the restricted space available, a special drainage technique (vacuum drainage) had to be integrated into the system). With such a complex construction process, the water and gas services, including the house connections were also renewed. The task was to coordinate the pipe-laying of the various utility providers. To make the vacuum sewer operational, an underground vacuum station was installed in the form of a precast reinforced concrete unit including control systems and vacuum pumps. The properties in the Siegelbachstraße were connected to the vacuum pipework via special domestic inspection shafts.
Services provided by igr
- Planning vacuum sewers
- Planning vacuum station including outside facilities
- Services coordination during the construction works
- EMSR and remote control technology
- Engineering constructions, waste water disposal
Key figures
- Underground vacuum station
- ca. 245 m PE-HD DA 110 vacuum pipework
- ca. 90 m PE-HD DA 90 vacuum pipework
- ca. 250 m PE-HD DA 75 domestic connection pipes