Water surface profiling on the Alsenz for the town of Rockenhausen
The building of a new connecting road with a bridge over the Alsenz in Rockenhausen made a water course relocation necessary. The bridge construction should not worsen the flooding situation. In order to prove this, the existing water course flow had to be very carefully surveyed, and a flood simulation for documented flood events made. Through the means of an extensive IT programme, the peak flood extent of the documented extreme flood event was transferred over from the old Alsenz river bed to the new river bed.
Services provided by igr
- Tacheometric terrain mapping
- Water surface profiling
- Calibration of the calculation using a known event
- Presentation of the calculation results in a site plan
- Design and construction supervision - Re-routing of the Alsenz; Expansion of the flow cross-section; Near nature development
Key figures
- Water level at Imsweiler (2.5 km away from the location) with ca. 170.5 km² surface catchment areas
- The Alsenz receiving water courses still flooded
- Bridge in flood plain