Sewer rehabilitation in the Hugo-John-Straße in the city of Erfurt
In the course of the infrastructure renewal, the mixed water sewage system was to be rehabilitated. The main sewer in the area of a heavily used road, and lying under the water table was leaking, leading to a significant inflow of outside water. The condition of the mainly egg-shaped concrete sewer allowed rehabilitation by means of an inner lining. Along a total length of ca. 1,320 m, the rehabilitation was carried out in phases using expanding examination structures installed for the construction period. Here, the complex water management of up to 220 l/s dry weather flow with a multitude of branch sewers, placed considerable demands on preparation and execution. Through igr, working in close partnership with the client and the responsible authorities, a phased construction strategy (which took account of the section-by-section water management and traffic safety in the 4-lane road) was implemented, alongside the technical rehabilitation strategy. The tender award was made via a restricted tender procedure with a public invitation to tender managed by igr.
Services provided by igr
- Technical rehabilitation strategy
- Phased construction strategy
- Tendering and awarding of tender
- On-site construction supervision
Key figures
- Rehabilitation with inner lining ca. 750 m egg profile B 800/1200
- Rehabilitation with inner lining ca. 290 m egg profile B 700/1050
- Rehabilitation with inner lining ca. 280 m DN 550 - 600 Stz