By 2020, palatia urbanism GmbH (subsidiary of igr GmbH) had developed the area "Hinter der Bahn, 1. BA". Since all available building sites have been sold and the demand for building land is still high, the city council of Wörrstadt has decided to develop the 2nd construction stage with approx. 18 hectares and commissioned palatia again as development agency with the implementation and thus also commissioned the igr GmbH with the Land use planning and the planning of the overall development. Different forms of housing are to be realized in order to be able to offer housing for all sections of the population.

As part of the Swiss-Croatian cooperation programme, the Swiss Confederation co-finances environmental and infrastructure projects. One of these projects is the construction of wastewater infrastructure in the agglomerations of Brod Moravice and Skrad in Gorski kotar, the so-called "Switzerland of Croatia".

With the hiring of our new employee, Mr. Stephen Billing, we have expanded our competence in the field of TGA.

After a two-year break, it was time again.

Redundant re-laying of the southern part of the Ried line (R2S) – 18.40 km of water line DN 1000 near Darmstadt.