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- Written by Super User
- Category: SW Referenzen
- Hits: 10705
Erschließungsplanung zum Baugebiet „Kleine Hahl“ in der Gemeinde Lörzweiler
Für die Gemeinde Lörzweiler wurde das Baugebiet " Kleine Hahl " am Ortsrand im Bereich bestehender Weinbergsflächen in 2 Bauabschnitten mit 4,4 ha Gesamtfläche entwickelt. Der erste Bauabschnitt mit einer Größe von 2,4 ha wurde bereits umgesetzt. Der zweite Bauabschnitt mit einer Größe von 2 ha steht innerhalb der nächsten Jahre an.
Durch die nachhaltige Regenwasserbewirtschaftung wird das Niederschlagswasser im Umfeld des Baugebietes in zentralen Rückhaltemulden zurückgehalten und versickert, bzw. gedrosselt in den Flügelsbach eingeleitet. Das Außengebietswasser wird in Abfanggräben am nördlichen Rand des Baugebietes gesammelt. Die Ableitung des Regenwassers aus dem Baugebiet erfolgt größtenteils über Regenwasserkanäle. Zur Ermittlung des wirtschaftlichsten Schmutzwasseranschlusses wurde der längere Freispiegelanschluss zum Sammler dem Bau einer Pumpstation gegenübergestellt.
Leistungen der igr
- Bebauungsplan "An der kleinen Hahl" in der Gemeinde Lörzweiler
- Regenwasserbewirtschaftungssystem und Entwässerungsplanung
- Genehmigungsplanung mit Antrag auf Einleitung von Regenwasser gemäß § 7 WHG bzw. § 27 LWG mit wasserwirtschaftlichem Ausgleich gemäß §§ 61, 62 LWG, Wasserrechtliche Genehmigung gemäß § 68 WHG für Gewässerausbau, Genehmigung gemäß § 76 LWG für Maßnahmen im 10m-Bereich
- Koordinierte Leitungsplanung
- Planung Verkehrsanlagen
- Ausschreibung und Örtliche Bauüberwachung
Kenngrößen (1. Bauabschnitt)
- 4,4 ha Gesamtfläche mit ca. 80 Bauplätzen
- 1 000 m Erschließungsstraßen
- 1 600 m Regenwasser- und Schmutzwasserkanal DN 250 - DN 500
- 500 m Regenwassergrabensystem mit 3 Kaskaden und einer Furt
- 760 m³ Rückhaltevolumen
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- Written by Super User
- Category: SW Referenzen
- Hits: 13833
Development of the ‘Heiligkreuz’ area in Mainz
The city of Mainz is developing a modern residential and commercial area on a (in recent times) partly abandoned industrial site. The design of the urban structures was determined through a competitive process. The area is characterised by limited availability of space combined with a high population density. To optimise the technical development, igr undertook a surface water management study. The goal was to manage accumulating water on site, and to relieve pressure on the municipal waste water network. Due to the unfavourable underground conditions, infiltration was only possible to a limited extent.
The design intends that rainwater will be directed into the road structures and green spaces near the surface. The material make-up of the various development areas was taken into account in this regard, and was examined in a variety of options. In addition, infiltration ditches and sewers for retention and drainage will be used. Through a sensitive handling of street levels, drainage pathways will be created, which ensure that during heavy rain events (urban flash floods) floods produce the smallest possible amount of damage.
Services provided by igr
- Rainwater management study of public and private areas
- Preliminary planning of traffic facilities (internal development and traffic intersections with the surrounding road system)
- Landscape management planning report
Key figures
- ca. 33 ha planning area
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- Written by Super User
- Category: SW Referenzen
- Hits: 28746
Planning for the construction of transport pipelines
Under the leadership of igr AG, the ARGE "Regionales Verbundsystem Westeifel" (Westeifel Regional Combined Systems) delivered the authorisation documentation for a pioneering, innovative infrastructure project to the authorisation authorities. In an 83 km long shared trench, from the Belgium border to Trier, a water pipeline, a natural gas pipe, a biogas pipe, a 110 kV and a 20 kV powerline and a high-speed internet fibre optic cable will be laid.
igr prevailed against European competitors in a tender process under VOF regulations, and received a contract award for technical planning as well as for the areas of environmental impact assessment, nature conservation and species protection. In only six weeks, the routes were tacheometrically surveyed and represented as a digital terrain model. This was the basis for establishing the depth of individual utility lines. The short planning period could be successfully met due to a specific geographical information system (GIS). Through intersections problems with private properties, and with existing pipelines, forest clearances, water conservation areas (and other types of conservation areas), and almost 90 road and waterway crossings were quickly recognised and solved.
Services provided by igr
- Engineering survey
- Creation of a digital terrain model
- Collection and digitalisation of basic data (e.g. third-party pipelines, conservation areas, contaminated sites, etc.)
- Preliminary planning
- Design planning
- Authorisation planning
- Landscape conservation supplimentary plan with 20 types of activity
- Four FFH preliminary assessments
- Specialist report on forestry
- General species protection assessment
- Preliminary assessment of an individual case in line with Environmental Impact Assessment law
Key figures
- 83 km long combined route
- Combined system (water, natural gas, and biogas pipelines, 110 kV, 20 kV power cables and a fibre optic cable)
- Ca. 90 road and waterway crossing points
- Ca. 1,500 affected parcels of land (GIS based evaluation)
- Ca. 90 high and low points (ventilation and evacuation)
- Affecting 6 towns/municipal associations and 32 community municipalities
- Investigation area for nature and species conservation of up to 8,000 ha
- Dealing with 37 blanket protected biotopes
- Investigation of 543 potentially affected strictly protected species/ European bird species listed in the Birds Directive
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- Written by Super User
- Category: SW Referenzen
- Hits: 15071
Renewal of the water law permit to extract drinking water and service water on the Ramstein airbase
The Ramstein airbase waterworks extracts groundwater from 20 wells for drinking and service water. For the water law permit renewal application, application documents were prepared in coordination with the authorisation authorities and the client. An integral part of this was a comprehensive data recording exercise, as well as a clear analysis and evaluation of the pumping and processing facilities. For this purpose the existing facilities were recorded and the systems delineated and described (well profiles, schematic plans of the waterworks). Geophysical surveys and camera-investigations were undertaken. The quality of the untreated and treated water was established through pumping tests and analysis. Besides the data noted above, the application documents include: information about the treatment areas, extraction quantity and water consumption; detailed information about the waterworks and water towers; and a description of the local geological, structural and hydraulic conditions as well as an interpretation of the hydrogeological situation, in particular with respect to ground water flows and flow directions.
Services provided by igr
- Current status survey, recording and evaluation
- Undertaking of pumping tests
- Sampling and analysis
- Nature conservation law report for the Environmental Impact Assessment preliminary review
- Preparation of the application documents
- Planning area ca. 1,400 ha
- 20 wells
- 7 waterworks
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- Written by Super User
- Category: SW Referenzen
- Hits: 18045
Dynamic cost comparison calculations for various remote farms, Rockenhausen municipality
About 14 000 inhabitants live in the Rockenhausen municipality, most of whom live in the town of Rockenhausen itself and the 11 parish communities. In addition, there are 25 hamlets and remote farms in very rural areas. Some lie several kilometres from their associated administrative centre. Of the 25 farm houses, 15 do not have, at this time, a sewage disposal system that complies with a generally acknowledged technical standard. Using a dynamic economic efficiency evaluation, in tandem with technical feasibility studies, igr explored the future waste water disposal options for the 15 farms. The dynamic cost comparison calculations were carried out in accordance with the DCCC guidelines from the German Federal States' Working Group on Water (LAWA). As a result, alongside investment and reinvestment costs, operational, energy and maintenance costs were investigated. This approach ensures an economically optimised sewage disposal system.
Services provided by igr
- Dynamic economic efficiency evaluation (in accordance with DCCC guidelines)
- Technical feasibility study
Key figures
- 15 farms with 2 PE to 170 PE