Renewal of the water law permit to extract drinking water and service water on the Ramstein airbase
The Ramstein airbase waterworks extracts groundwater from 20 wells for drinking and service water. For the water law permit renewal application, application documents were prepared in coordination with the authorisation authorities and the client. An integral part of this was a comprehensive data recording exercise, as well as a clear analysis and evaluation of the pumping and processing facilities. For this purpose the existing facilities were recorded and the systems delineated and described (well profiles, schematic plans of the waterworks). Geophysical surveys and camera-investigations were undertaken. The quality of the untreated and treated water was established through pumping tests and analysis. Besides the data noted above, the application documents include: information about the treatment areas, extraction quantity and water consumption; detailed information about the waterworks and water towers; and a description of the local geological, structural and hydraulic conditions as well as an interpretation of the hydrogeological situation, in particular with respect to ground water flows and flow directions.
Services provided by igr
- Current status survey, recording and evaluation
- Undertaking of pumping tests
- Sampling and analysis
- Nature conservation law report for the Environmental Impact Assessment preliminary review
- Preparation of the application documents
- Planning area ca. 1,400 ha
- 20 wells
- 7 waterworks