Planning, management and supervision of the Enkenbach-Alsenborn biomass thermal power plant, district of Kaiserslautern
The Enkenbach-Alsenborn municipality has constructed a biomass thermal power plant, in which exclusively renewable raw materials are used to produce energy. The feed-in tariff is fixed according to the German renewable energy act (EEG) and the co-generation act (KWK-Gesetz). igr was commissioned to provide overall planning, construction supervision and project management.
Heat extraction is adjusted flexibly; so that it is possible to match the power production and heat production to actual demand. The heat produced supplies the Enkenbach-Alsenborn municipality local heating network. Using air-cooled condensers waste heat can be delivered at a lower temperature to operate greenhouses (optional service).
Residual wood from forests and green waste is exploited in this biomass thermal power plant. In total the biomass thermal power plant produces the following types of energy: electricity, heat for a local heating network at 134 °C and heat from waste heat at 50 °C for greenhouses (optional).
Services provided by igr
- Project management
- Overall planning in accordance with Federal pollution control legislation § 4 BimSchG
- Construction supervision
Key figures
- Turbine output: flexible up to 2.6 MW
- Heat extraction: flexible up to 3.0 MW
- Steam production 11.5 MW
- 25,000 t/a renewable raw materials