Kaiserslautern basin, renaturisation of the Glan, Schwarzbach, Mohrbach, Weißer Graben und Neuwoogbach

The water way renaturisation on the Glan, Schwarzbach, Mohrbach, Weißer Graben und Neuwoogbach was specified as an overall compensation strategy for the natural environment of the Kaiserslautern basin. Together with the final planning, igr compiled the documentation for the required water law authorisations. In doing so, igr considered the impact on animals, plants, soil, water, climate, landscape/leisure activities and on people; and prepared a general area analysis.

igr focussed the planning in particular on the positive effects on the downstream flow (back flow/waterlogging, current speed, flow) and water morphology – in line with the specifications of the European water framework directive. To create available land, a simplified land-consolidation process was carried out, supported by igr.

In this connection, igr also put together documentation to exempt this project from the constraints of the environmental compatibility test (with respect to § 3, Abs. 2).

Services provided by igr

  • Area and construction surveying
  • Exemption application for a generally protected biotope in line with § 30 BnatSchG
  • Exemption application in line with § 3 Abs. 2 UVPG
  • Mapping the water way structural quality/upgrading potential
  • Authorisation planning
  • Detailed design and tender documents
  • Construction supervision
  • Monitoring following implementation of the measures (focus on species protection on the Glan)

Key figures

  • 6.5 ha project area on the Glan (900 m length)
  • 39.4 ha project area on the Schwarzbach (1,700 m length)
  • 7.5 ha project area on the Mohrbach (2,000 m length)
  • ca 3.0 ha project area on the Newwoogbach (800 m length)