Flugplatz Ramstein_NSG Streitwiese

Ramstein Air Base upgrade/Spießwald-Streitwiese nature conservation area

The expansion of Ramstein Air Base extends over the damp/wet habitat of amphibians, as well as the habitats of reptiles, butterflies, birds, bats, ants, fish, dragonflies and grasshoppers. Through extensive inspections, spotting scope observations sent via telemetry, skim netting, other types of netting, bucket traps and the deployment of special fences, the populations were comprehensively recorded over at least a growing season. This forms the basis of the long term monitoring programme.

Over a period of approximately a year and a half, a total of ca. 12,000 animals were transferred to newly created replacement habitats in the “Westricher Moorniederung“ FFH area (amphibians and fish, as well as dragonfly lavae and wood ant nests), and habitats were made (fresh low nutrient meadows) and artificial nesting aids put up (bird and bat boxes), which facilitate species to populate a new area.

The structurally most complex new habitats were created prior to the transfer, in the environment of an ecologically improved water way on the Glam (renaturation in the proximity of non-flowing waters). Here the associated conditions were particularly appropriate for the transfer (no resident population of amphibians, terrestrial environment with possibilities for winter habitats in the moorland forests, reachable without meeting barriers).

Species which are strictly protected under European FFH regulations (in line with annex II and IV the great crested newt (Triturus cristatus) and annex IV the moor frog (Rana arvalis)) were of special importance during the transfer.

The success of the measures will be observed and documented in a monitoring programme lasting 5 – 10 years after the construction project.

Services provided by igr

  • Species protection programme
  • Monitoring/observation of success/efficiency of species-specific measures over 5 -10 years (birds in 350 ha investigation area and amphibians in the created replacement waters)
  • Planning and construction management for creation of replacement habitats for great crested newts and moor frogs on external compensation areas
  • Environmental construction supervision
  • Project management

Key figures

  • Dragonflies: 10 proven species
  • Birds: proven occurrence of 148 species (70 breeding birds; ca. 50 Red List species): measures to improve structure and 100 artificial nesting aids for immediate nesting following the encroachment)
  • Fish: electro fishing in ca. 550 m water way section in encroachment area and transfer of 9 captured fish species (ca. 400 individual fish) and dragonfly lavae to a newly created 2 km long water way section
  • Bats: structural improvements on the forest edge and installation of 50 artificial roosting boxes/flat boxes
  • Amphibians and reptiles: transfer of ca. 11,000 individuals in two transfer phases
  • Ants: transfer of 40 nests
  • Total affected area ca. 370 ha
  • Compensation measures: ca. 700 ha