Preliminary study for investing in water supply systems in rural areas of Albania
In the first phase of this study, igr mapped, with the assistance of GIS maps, the current situation regarding drinking water supply in the rural areas. On the basis of this information, it was determined in the second study phase what additional investments and actions were required to guarantee a universal water supply. As the necessary investments exceeded the available resources, the required measures were ranked in order of priority in the last phase of the study.
The study was commissioned and funded by the Keditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW).
Services provided by igr
- Analysis of the starting situation
- Analysis of the legal and organisational underlying conditions
- Data processing and presentation of the results with GIS
- Establishing criteria for prioritisation
- Formulating an approach for a programme to extend the water supply infrastructure
Key figures
- 50% of the Albanian population live in rural areas
- Up to 800,000 people in rural areas do not have a connection to the water supply
- Only 3% of rural communities have a waste water disposal system