Water supply and sewerage masterplan for Albania
Albania is rich in water resources, which are excellently suited to securing drinking water. However, water supply and wastewater disposal systems are inadequate in many parts of the country. Supply failures are mainly the result of the poor condition of the infrastructure and the sometimes low connection rates to the public supply network, as well as the inefficient operation and incorrect maintenance of plants.
The goal of the master plan is to bring water supply and wastewater disposal in Albania up to EU standards, and to support the Albanian government with investment planning. The project was funded by Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) and supported by the international donor community.
In a number of project phases the legal, institutional and political background conditions for the water sector, as well as the current socio-economic situation were analysed; an extensive data survey of all water supply companies carried out; and overarching designs for water supply and wastewater disposal and treatment in urban and rural areas developed, as well as necessary investments determined. With the involvement of the Albanian ministries and institutions, as well as the international donor community, a prioritisation strategy was developed, whose criteria determined the order of investment, which was summarised in short-, medium- and long-term investment plans.
The master plan was developed with GIS and handed over to the Albanian government as a GIS-based planning instrument.
Services provided by igr
- Analysis of the initial situation and prevailing background conditions
- Data collection and processing with GIS
- Development of overarching designs for wastewater disposal and treatment
- Determination of investments and cost estimates
- Setting of prioritising criteria
- Development of investment plans
- Development of a GIS-based planning instrument