Dynamic cost comparison calculations for various remote farms, Rockenhausen municipality
About 14 000 inhabitants live in the Rockenhausen municipality, most of whom live in the town of Rockenhausen itself and the 11 parish communities. In addition, there are 25 hamlets and remote farms in very rural areas. Some lie several kilometres from their associated administrative centre. Of the 25 farm houses, 15 do not have, at this time, a sewage disposal system that complies with a generally acknowledged technical standard. Using a dynamic economic efficiency evaluation, in tandem with technical feasibility studies, igr explored the future waste water disposal options for the 15 farms. The dynamic cost comparison calculations were carried out in accordance with the DCCC guidelines from the German Federal States' Working Group on Water (LAWA). As a result, alongside investment and reinvestment costs, operational, energy and maintenance costs were investigated. This approach ensures an economically optimised sewage disposal system.
Services provided by igr
- Dynamic economic efficiency evaluation (in accordance with DCCC guidelines)
- Technical feasibility study
Key figures
- 15 farms with 2 PE to 170 PE