
Current status and rehabilitation of the sewage network for the Enkenbach-Alsenborn municipality

The current status of sewers, domestic connections, water pipes and road surfaces was tacheometrically surveyed and documented across the entire municipality of Enkenbach-Alsenborn. Therefore a sewer and water database was created.

A contract for a TV survey was tendered and monitored, and a structural rehabilitation strategy written from the resulting information. A hydro-dynamic sewer network calculation with long term series simulations was undertaken and a hydraulic rehabilitation strategy, as well as an overall rehabilitation strategy, developed.

The sewer rehabilitation was commissioned within a framework contract and is being carried out in accordance with the rehabilitation strategy.

Services provided by igr

  • Surveying
  • Inspection
  • Current status documentation
  • Current status evaluation
  • Hydraulic calculation
  • Rehabilitation strategy
  • General drainage plan

Key figures

  • ca. 120 km sewer network